Melior Apps Apps

Tony Robbins' Power Questions 1.1
Melior Apps
Life is what we choose to focus on.Embracingthe Power Questions covered in Tony Robbins' Awaken theGiantWithin will help you decide every day what you choose to focuson.The categories of focus are happiness, excitement,pride,gratitude, joy, commitment, and love and will result in youfindingmore of each in your daily life.I recently read the book Awaken the Giant Within because Ihadlost my job, and was struggling with finding direction in mylife.After answering the Morning Power Questions as part of mymorningroutine, I realised that I had found an inspirational way tostartmy day.Over time, I wanted to record my answers and reward myselfforsticking to the program, so I wrote this app so that Icouldcomplete my daily ritual, even while travelling. Some friendssawthe app and asked me to share it with them. Since then, Ihaveworked to make it more intuitive and have released it for alltouse for free.